Our Team

Resilient Climate Solutions

We deliver on program goals and provide customer-centric support to accelerate commercial building decarbonization across the region.

Abbey Massaro
Abbey Massaro
Senior Waste Reduction Consultant
Abby Lessels
Abby Lessels (She/her)
Communications Lead
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Amanda Foster
Amanda Foster
Program Consultant II
Amy Rainwater
Amy Rainwater
Customer Relationship Representative I
Andrea Villamaino
Andrea Villamaino (She/her)
Program Consultant II
Anthony Rubino
Anthony Rubino
Lead Commercial Energy Consultant
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Ashley Muspratt
Ashley Muspratt (She/her)
President & CEO
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Azra Siddiqui
Azra Siddiqui (She/her)
Junior Salesforce Administrator
Ben Coe
Ben Coe
Residential Energy Consultant II
Brian Pytko
Brian Pytko (He/him)
Residential Energy Consultant I
Brittany Richard
Brittany Richard (She/her)
Residential Energy Consultant II
CJ Hanley
CJ Hanley (He/him)
Residential Energy Consultant II
Camille Milton
Camille Milton (She/her)
Program Consultant I
Caroline Coppola
Caroline Coppola
Project Manager I
Cassie Rogers
Cassie Rogers (She/her)
Communication Coordinator I
Chad Simmons
Chad Simmons (He/him)
Residential Energy Consultant II
Charlottie Eoppolo
Charlottie Eoppolo
Administrative Assistant
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Christina Bicksler
Christina Bicksler (She/her)
Chief Operating Officer
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Craig Powers
Craig Powers
Supervisor, Technical Services
Darcy Ratti
Darcy Ratti (She/her)
Department Manager, Customer Relationship
Darlene Rohlman
Darlene Rohlman
Invoicing & Billing Specialist
Derek Cotroneo
Derek Cotroneo
Residential Energy Consultant I
Edgar Encarnacion Lebron
Edgar Encarnacion Lebron
Program Manager
Edison Dika
Edison Dika
Senior Energy Consultant
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Emily Fabel
Emily Fabel (She/her)
IT Business Systems Partner
Emily Gaylord
Emily Gaylord (She/her)
Director of Communications & Relationship Development
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Emma Sabella
Emma Sabella (She/her)
Waste Reduction Consultant II
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Emma Thomas
Emma Thomas
Project Coordinator
Freya Bromwich
Freya Bromwich
Waste Reduction Consultant II
Gabriella Vadehra
Gabriella Vadehra (She/they)
HR Coordinator
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Haley Hicks
Haley Hicks
Customer Relationship Representative I
Heather Billings
Heather Billings
Senior Waste Reduction Consultant
Ilsa McIntyre
Ilsa McIntyre
Department Manager, Technical Services
James Lewis
James Lewis (He/him)
Department Manager, Technical Services
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Jeff Horton
Jeff Horton
Program Consultant I
Jena Finnegan
Jena Finnegan
Department Manager, Technical Services
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John Celesk
John Celesk
Material Recovery & Donations Consultant
John Hopkins II
John Hopkins II
Truck Driver
John Puc
John Puc
Program Manager
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Josh Enderle
Josh Enderle
Waste Reduction Consultant I
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Julia Riseman
Julia Riseman
Manager of Philanthropic Investments and Proposals
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Justin Pepka
Justin Pepka
Commercial Energy Consultant I
Kacie Dean
Kacie Dean
Department Manager, Program Delivery
Kaitlyn Mitchell
Kaitlyn Mitchell (She/her)
Commercial Energy Consultant I
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Karina Gaft-Azcue
Karina Gaft-Azcue (She/her)
Program Manager
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Khrysti Smyth
Khrysti Smyth (She/they)
Lead Customer Relationship Representative
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Kirsten Wille
Kirsten Wille
Project Manager I
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Kristin Gagnon
Kristin Gagnon
Supervisor, Program Delivery
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Laura Pavlot
Laura Pavlot (They/them)
Project Manager II
Lauren Holway
Lauren Holway (She/her)
Salesforce Administrator
Lauren Potter
Lauren Potter (She/her)
Project Manager II
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Lelaina Beyer
Lelaina Beyer
Project Coordinator
Lilly Hoch
Lilly Hoch
Program Manager
Lisa Dufour
Lisa Dufour (She/her)
Director of People & Culture
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Lisa Kohler
Lisa Kohler (She/her)
Director of Technical Services & Program Delivery
Lorenzo Macaluso
Lorenzo Macaluso
Chief Growth Officer
Malik Malik
Malik Malik
Customer Relationship Representative
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Malik Rodriguez
Malik Rodriguez
Truck Driver
Mariah Brewer
Mariah Brewer
Project Coordinator
Marifer Rodriguez
Marifer Rodriguez (She/her)
Program Consultant I
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Mark O'Hearne
Mark O'Hearne
Energy Engineer
Mark Whalen
Mark Whalen (He/him)
Business Applications Manager
Marrina Gallant
Marrina Gallant (She/her)
Program Manager
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Mary Lydum-Long
Mary Lydum-Long (She/her)
Program Consultant I
Max Morrisey Tarburton
Max Morrisey Tarburton
Assistant Warehouse Manager
Mayra Muniz
Mayra Muniz
Commercial Energy Consultant I
Megan Denardo
Megan Denardo (She/her)
Program Consultant II
Nancy Cazalis
Nancy Cazalis
Communication Coordinator II
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Nicholas Smith
Nicholas Smith
Bids and Proposals Specialist
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Nick DiVito
Nick DiVito
Waste Reduction Consultant I
Olivia Ahner
Olivia Ahner (She/her)
Program Consultant I
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Paul Laviolette III
Paul Laviolette III
Energy Engineer
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Rebecca Dube
Rebecca Dube
Program Consultant II
Reggie Eleazer
Reggie Eleazer
Director of PMO
Renee Panetta
Renee Panetta (She/her)
Waste Reduction Consultant I
Robert Williams
Robert Williams (Prefer Not to Say)
Senior Residential Energy Consultant
Robin Hansen
Robin Hansen (She/they)
Program Consultant I
Rusty Daniels
Rusty Daniels
Customer Relationship Representative II
Ryan Quinn
Ryan Quinn
Warehouse & Receiving Associate
Sal Estacio
Sal Estacio
Commercial Energy Consultant I
Sam Freeman
Sam Freeman
Residential Energy Consultant I
Sam Stroman
Sam Stroman
Residential Energy Consultant I
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Samantha Salvatore
Samantha Salvatore (She/her)
Lead Program Consultant
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Sasha Goode
Sasha Goode
Warehouse & Receiving Associate
Sharon Hoessler
Sharon Hoessler
Customer Relationship Representative I
Sheila Kelliher
Sheila Kelliher (She/her)
Program Consultant II
Sonja Williams
Sonja Williams
Program Consultant II
Stephanie Swartz
Stephanie Swartz
Retail Operations Manager
Steven Bandarra
Steven Bandarra
Project Manager II
Talia Loiter
Talia Loiter
Program Consultant I
Terrie Szymanski
Terrie Szymanski (She/her)
Program Consultant II
Thomas Mekonnen
Thomas Mekonnen
Energy Engineer
Thomas Turkowski
Thomas Turkowski
Shipping Coodinator
Tony DiLella
Tony DiLella
Residential Energy Consultant I
Tony Omodt-Lopez
Tony Omodt-Lopez
Communications Assistant
Victoria Phillips
Victoria Phillips (She/her)
Project Manager I
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Board of Directors

With a collective vision for a greener, healthier planet, our board members bring diverse expertise and unwavering passion to guide CET towards achieving its mission. Join their journey to foster positive change and preserve the Earth for generations to come.

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Copyright CET ©2024 Non-Profit

We envision a world that has embraced and advanced just and resilient climate solutions.

CET is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

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