The race For decarbonization is on

Last Fall, CET coordinated an event series in Lake Placid and Plattsburgh, NY that offered waste reduction presentations and in-person technical assistance to several local businesses. Our Waste Reduction Consultants customized recommendations to businesses to either start or expand their waste diversion efforts. Below are highlights from each business, celebrating the success of this event series and demonstrating the value of community-focused events.

Events and presentations

CET waste reduction experts Lisa Pelligrino and Emma Sabella presented at Lake Placid Pub and Brewery and St Joseph’s Community Outreach Center in Plattsburgh on practical strategies for source reduction, prevention, composting, recycling, and donation. Attendees learned and shared how these methods can benefit North Country businesses and the community.

Following the presentations, participants had time to network with fellow businesses, institutions, haulers, and municipalities to gain insights on best practices and resources for sustainability in the region.

These collaborative and inspiring events were made possible by a partnership with Compost for Good, The Clinton County Health Department (CCHD), St Joseph’s Community Outreach Center and Lake Placid Pub & Brewery.

Food waste haulers, Casella, River Valley Regenerative, & Blue Line Compost attended the events.

CET provides free presentations or assistance to businesses and institutions in New York State that are looking for solutions to reduce wasted food. To take the next step in rethinking your operation’s food waste or to set up a presentation, contact us at 866-306-0911 or

Business Overviews

The recommendations provided by waste reduction consultants came out of their careful site evaluation and consideration of opportunities for wasted food prevention, reduction, donation and food waste diversion. In addition to finding outlets for food scraps, CET’s consultants also suggested strategies for source reduction, such as repurposing surplus food into new menu items, and donating extra food to staff. All businesses are now successfully diverting surplus food scraps to commercial compost.

Scenic view of Whiteface Lodge over a crisp, frosty lake

Whiteface Lodge

Whiteface Lodge is a grand Adirondack Park resort in Lake Placid. CET staff conducted a site assessment with Tiffany O’Brien, Environmental Committee Chair, Michael Allen, GM, and Greg Sherman, Executive Chef. The restaurant already demonstrated strong waste reduction efforts, such as root-to-stalk cooking and providing surplus prepared food for staff. The lodge had just rolled out a new food scrap collection program with Blue Line Compost.

Lisa P at Whiteface Lodge
green food waste only 5 gallon bucket

CET’s consultants recommended tracking food waste and placing signage to clearly label receptacles for the new program.

Their waste reduction efforts now divert 46 annual tons of food waste.

Big Slide Brewery & Lake Placid Pub

Big Slide and Lake Placid Pub are two breweries and restaurants in Lake Placid, owned and operated by the same business, with a third location to open soon. Both locations also divert food waste with Blue Line Compost; roughly 30 five-gallon buckets per week! They sought our assistance in establishing a strong and sustainable diversion strategy for their spent brewer’s grain.

They hosted one of our two events, allowing us to help them connect with River Valley Regeneratives to collect spent grain from the brewery weekly in wheeled totes. In addition to food scrap composting, they are now diverting 37 tons of spent grain annually!

spent grain bins at lake placid pub

Butcher Block Steak and seafood

Butcher Block is a restaurant in Plattsburgh, that had already demonstrated great initiative for waste reduction, with practices such as root-to-stalk cooking and repurposing surplus ingredients to specials.

They are now working with River Valley Regeneratives to collect food scraps in buckets and totes from their kitchen and prep, as well as unusable scraps from their salad bar at the end of the day. These efforts help them divert 40 annual tons of wasted food.

north country community college

CET staff conducted a site assessment at ​NCCC​ and met with Chef John Warchol and ​Robert Rathbun, Executive Director of the NCCC Association that oversees food services, who were very eager to implement strategies to reduce wasted food throughout campus – mainly within the dining hall and residential areas. They hoped to engage students in the dining hall for post-consumer food scrap recycling and reducing the use of non-reusable containers. Robert is highly motivated and acknowledged that “there is so much waste” on campus.

They are now diverting 5 tons of food waste annually through their work with Blue Line Compost to collect kitchen scraps.

fCI ray brook

FCI Ray Brook purchased a dehydrator four years ago to reduce the volume and weight of food waste before disposing of it into the trash compactor. This machine requires frequent repairs which are often expensive, time-consuming, and leaves the dehydrator unusable for long periods of time.

FCI Ray Brook must follow strict logistical, financial, and security procedures making food waste prevention and diversion challenging. FCI Ray Brook met with CET’s Waste Reduction Consultants to explore other viable food waste options.

FCI Ray Brook is considering working with their current trash and recycling hauler to include a food waste designated compactor.

Thank you!

Thank you to all who joined us in Lake Placid and Plattsburgh last fall to explore practical strategies to tackle wasted food in the North Country.

Decarbonization is important across all business sectors, and we are proud that these events tapped into and strengthened an ecosystem of local businesses and service providers in the northernmost region of New York state. These waste-reducing efforts benefit businesses and communities and keep nutrients and economic opportunities in the North Country! We look forward to collaborating with you all in the future.

What to do if you want a TA from us or want to attend our next presentation/event

NY businesses who would like assistance in deploying these and other strategies should contact us today here:
Wherever you are in the US, you can look for state-specific guidelines and resources here:

About CET

Our mission is to innovate, implement, and scale the environmental solutions that communities need to thrive, CET envisions a world that embraces and advances just and resilient climate solutions

For more than 45 years, cET has helped people and businesses save energy and reduce waste.

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We’re excited to help you decarbonize with energy and waste solutions.

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We envision a world that has embraced and advanced just and resilient climate solutions.

CET is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

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